Concept & Objectives

IMOTHEP’s Top-Level Goals

  • achieve a key step in assessing potential benefits of Hybrid Electric Propulsion (HEP) to reduce emissions of commercial aircraft
  • set out the European roadmap for developing HEP

Specific objectives

  • Identify architecture & aircraft concepts that benefit from HEP
  • Investigate technologies for HE power train architecture and components at relevant scale and in close connection with propulsion and aircraft architecture
  • Analyse required tools, infrastructures, demonstrations and regulatory adaptations for HEP development
  • Synthesise results through the elaboration of the roadmap for HEP development
Imothep Context & objectives
BWB, turboelectric, DEP, BLI
Credits: ONERA

IMOTHEP's Overall Approach: Investigating HEP Energy System


In close connection with propulsion integration in the vehicle

  • Specifications for power chain components derived from conceptual design of aircraft concepts

At a meaningful scale

  • Representative of technological challenges in the power range of commercial aircraft (3 - 80 MW)

With a major effort on investigating technologies for a hybrid-electric power train

  • From electric architecture to power electronics

Synthesised through integrated aircraft performance analysis

To identify :

  • Technological gaps and key enablers
  • Architectures and configurations that most benefit from HEP

To issue a roadmap for HEP development

  • Through cross-fertilization with other EU initiatives

IMOTHEP's Methodological Approach

Three design loops will be performed using tools with an increasing degree of refinement:

  • the "conceptual design" loop (L0) will produce a first design and sizing of the configurations, and an assessment of their performance
  • the "multidisciplinary design" loop (L1) using quasi-static integrated optimisation will provide an optimised definition of the vehicle and updated target specifications for the components
  • the "refined assessment" loop (L2) will use dynamic simulation and allow local optimisation of components
Imothep Context & objectives

Project Timeline

Imothep Context & objectives