Project scope


IMOTHEP’s targets

Reference missions

  • Short/medium range: minimum segment for a significant impact on aviation emissions
  • Regional: more accessible, potential intermediate step toward SMR

Mission Pax Speed Targeted range
Regional 50 [0.4 - 0.48] 600 nm
SMR 150 - 180 [0.6 - 0.8] ≥ 800 nm
1200 nm best option

Technological scope

  • Central focus on thermal hybrid with drop-in fuel
    + some investigations on fuel cell at conceptual level (aircraft + fuel cell specific issue for aircraft)
  • Main focus on conventional conductivity
    + exploration of superconductivity as a potential enabler

IMOTHEP’s supporting configurations

  • Build-on / complement existing studies (e.g. CS2, CENTRELINE, etc.)
  • Explore a range of architectures

Conservative Radical
Regional Imothep imothep-BWB-turboelectric-DEP-BLI

Credit: Bauhaus-Luftfahrt
Electrically assisted turboshaft

Imothep imothep-BWB-turboelectric-DEP-BLI

Credit: Safran
Turboelectric + DEP + wing-tip propeller

SMR Imothep imothep-BWB-turboelectric-DEP-BLI

Credit: ONERA
Tube & wing, turboelec, DEP (from CS2)

Imothep imothep-BWB-turboelectric-DEP-BLI

Credit: ONERA
BWB, turboelectric, DEP, BLI

IMOTHEP's technical scope

IMOTHEP involves three major building blocks or types of activities

Imothep Concept & methodology